
I actually found this episode much better than expected. No political cold open, which is always good. I think we only had the one recurring sketch (Girlfriends). Okay, Jacob  as well, but at least they found a new twist on it and it was brief. I know that once the new cast find their characters, we'll get that

That's interesting to hear about BBC America. I'd always assumed they had complete, unfettered access to the BBC libraries, barring some outside licensing deals (Sherlock, as you said, and I also think Monty Python's Flying Circus is still licensed to A&E, though they do little with it than release it on DVD every few

I was pleasantly surprised at how much I enjoyed this. Not too much that I actually laughed out loud at, but it was nice knowing stuff like "The Californians" wasn't going to turn up after the commercial break. Even seeing a game show skit with someone other than Hader actually made it feel fresher. Also, performers I

I'm so glad to see something on this topic. As someone who went without cable TV during the years when many of these changes happened, I was shocked when I obtained it again.  I'd been looking forward to watching great old shows on TV Land, classic British television on BBC America, documentaries on A&E and History

One thing I loved about this story is that instead of a big, over the top, universe saving finale, the Fifth Doctor got to go out with a good, solid story in which he happened to find himself in a dangerous situation beyond his control. I'd love to see that happen again, but I doubt I will.

It's interesting you mention how swiftly the events parodied in this episode will be forgotten. I'm catching up on this season and just watched this over the weekend. I had completely forgotten Bully and the Kony 2012 meltdown. In the first case, it didn't make that much of a difference, but I had no idea what the

This is the story that single-handedly kept me watching the show. I was able to tolerate the Colin Baker era, but that first McCoy season nearly did me in. I remember being on the fence about even watching this, but once I did, I was hooked again. It's a shame that college and cancellation ended up making this the

This is the story that single-handedly kept me watching the show. I was able to tolerate the Colin Baker era, but that first McCoy season nearly did me in. I remember being on the fence about even watching this, but once I did, I was hooked again. It's a shame that college and cancellation ended up making this the

This used to be on TV at least once a year when I was a kid. I always assumed I'd been too young to understand what was going on, but it sounds like it wouldn't make sense to me even if I watched it today.

When I started in college in 1990, finding myself burned out with contemporary music (this was about a year or so before Nirvana came along and slowly renewed my interest), I drifted into oldies music. I was pretty obsessive about it for a few years, and it was easy to feed that interest - there were at least 2-3