S.P. Burke

I think at the opposite end of that spectrum is Roger Christian's commentary on "Battlefield Earth", which I'm certain came after the film was released.  He mutters some things about trying to make the movie look like a live-action comic book, but he just sounds so defeated and you can tell the movie's reception has

I think at the opposite end of that spectrum is Roger Christian's commentary on "Battlefield Earth", which I'm certain came after the film was released.  He mutters some things about trying to make the movie look like a live-action comic book, but he just sounds so defeated and you can tell the movie's reception has

You'll notice that was kind of the end of Brad Pitt's hyper blonde pretty boy era.  All of his movies after that at least ATTEMPTED some grit and some actual character nuance.

You'll notice that was kind of the end of Brad Pitt's hyper blonde pretty boy era.  All of his movies after that at least ATTEMPTED some grit and some actual character nuance.

Here's the thing with "Waterworld": it's not one of the worst movies ever.  It's gruesome and mean-spirited, but not to reprehensible levels.  It's average.

Here's the thing with "Waterworld": it's not one of the worst movies ever.  It's gruesome and mean-spirited, but not to reprehensible levels.  It's average.

Here's my problem with "American Beauty"…(SPOILERS)

Here's my problem with "American Beauty"…(SPOILERS)

This article is right on the money when it comes to adaptation.  You need to cut scenes, combine events and even characters, shorten timelines, and hell, INTERPRET THE TEXT.  This is NOT a book.  This is a MOVIE, and it needs to work and stand alone as a separate piece of art!

This article is right on the money when it comes to adaptation.  You need to cut scenes, combine events and even characters, shorten timelines, and hell, INTERPRET THE TEXT.  This is NOT a book.  This is a MOVIE, and it needs to work and stand alone as a separate piece of art!

With special effects by Industrial, Light, and Morons!

With special effects by Industrial, Light, and Morons!

"Geez you could walk on  your HANDS and catch up to the guy!"

"Geez you could walk on  your HANDS and catch up to the guy!"

"Finally!  Christmas comes to Santa!  Hey baby!  Wanna see me shake like a bowl full of jelly?"

"Finally!  Christmas comes to Santa!  Hey baby!  Wanna see me shake like a bowl full of jelly?"

I'd rather get a table dance from Trent Lott!

I'd rather get a table dance from Trent Lott!

Dude!  No "Space Mutiny"?  That was perhaps the finest hour of the Mike Nelson era!

Dude!  No "Space Mutiny"?  That was perhaps the finest hour of the Mike Nelson era!