The Pretty City Committee

Poor Otto, there ought to be a new letter between X and Y for your limbo status. Like Generation…um…I'm having a hard time figuring out how to type an original letter on my standard keyboard.

Silly Buns, I thought maybe you meant MJ's dyed body. Or is that joke too off-color?

I know it's not who you're talking about, but now I'm thinking Anne Geddes. Maybe the kids could be dressed up for baby's first Independence Day as a cake wreck?

I hope the deal over the rights to the story involved TAM getting access to music from the movie. Because, really, they've used those Royal Tenenbaums tracks to death.

And she fights valiantly against Glennbot, known to destroy whole auditoriums full of people with a single vomit-foam diamond grenade.

Maybe the Tonys could increase their number of best motion picture nods to 10.

Nah, Idiotking, Luigi (he wears green) has a hard-on-type bulge in his pants. That's the one on which I was fixating.

The black woman is Guinevere, and a maidservant to Morgana le Fey in this version. I actually wish that since they started updating parts of it (modern-ish language and costumes) they should have gone further. Throw a glass skyscraper into Camelot? Why not! If it's going to be such a mish-mash, might as well go

Oh, what, gays can't be virile men? Is that what's ironic, GH? You make me so tiffed I could do a twirl.

Brain, if you can't be bothered to cite your research, then I don't think we can be bothered to be convinced by your some-kind-of-chemical-change-from-cooked-meat theory.

Holy shit, that's amazing Spinich Inquistion! I want you to to team up with Anonymousetrap and Dr. Robuttnik to make a stealth elevator pitch to any studio execs you can find. GET THIS DONE.

Many of those explanations were redundant, and they seemed similar to each other, too.

Dreams Really Do Come True
Amy Sedaris + John Hodgman + NPH sounds like a rootin', tootin' good time. I don't know who this Bonnie Somerville lady is, but based on a Google Image search she appears to be some Kirsten-Dunst-a-like, but a little bit more babe-licious.

Yeah, go back to New Hampshire! Offline New Hampshire, I mean! We don't want your informed opinions or political context here.

Shouldn't it be S. it D.? I was under the impression that S. that D. meant suck that dick. But then, I may be a pervert.

And speaking of people whose names begin with 'Tamm': I've been seeing that red-headed actress with greater and greater frequency, in Forgetting Sarah Marshall and 30 Rock most notably, but she'll always be Tammi Littlenut to me.

Yeah, who needs the Loud 'n Clear? I'll just stick to bringing my parabolic dish to parties, thank you very much.

Yes, because the crew of Jean-Luc Picard's Enterprise never went back in time…NOT. Time's Arrow, bitch.

Jesse Eisenberg is photogenic?

Oh my God, you're like eight tenths of the way to "Death Becomes Her," which is amazing. You got vain, self-obsessed zombies right there, and played by Goldie Hawn and Meryl Streep, too.