

Jay Lethal? The Briscoe brothers? Maybe Ricochet? They're the top guys in their companies that have never been in WWE at all before, but (at least for now) they're all a pretty serious step down in star power from those three you mentioned.

So who else watched Wrestle Kingdom 10 today, because that put everything WWE has done recently to complete shame. The opening spot-fest insanity tag match, Kenny Omega being the best, a Nakamura-Styles dream match, the ridiculously brutal Shibata-Ishii war of attrition, and the absolute 5-star beauty of

This week on "What subplots can they tie into Brienne and Pod":

This week on "How many subplots can they shove into Brienne and Pod's journey?":

Time for "How many book subplots can they tie into Brienne and Pod's journey?":

Tonight's episode had me thinking that they might turn Brienne into a (slightly more alive?) Lady Stoneheart. She seems to be getting jaded with her mission and being loyal, Pod was questioning whether they actually have any oaths to keep now, and everyone else thinks the Lannisters bought her out. It would make a lot

The Toadies "Possum Kingdom"
Ben Folds Five "Song For the Dumped"