Sporadic Rager

Where am cars?

All this Chungking Express talk is all well and good, but as a discerning reader, I am much more concerned about what is his least favorite film, and feel that the failure of the AV Club to clarify that in this article is merely further clouding the once bright future of this website.

Rake was indeed really great.  The Slap was also fairly well done.  Other than that it has been dire for quite a while.

South Park's probably a reasonable comparison but I think it also demonstrates a couple of the reasons why I thought Angry Boys really isn't up to scratch.

It kinda is.

I agree, there were good ideas in there.  I thought that the idea of actually having the characters interact in some way was a good idea and a strong move towards creating a more interesting show.

This show gets bad fast unless you happen to really like completely unfunny jokes where the only point is "HEY ISN'T THIS REALLY DUMB AND OFFENSIVE!".  After the first episode or two I thought it might be going somewhere but then it just doesn't.  There's a good reason it was a ratings disaster in Australia last year.

Hey guys, news from Australia!