
I didn't mind the episode so much even though the Alicia winning had not true suspense it was finely executed and a good episode but yet so indicative of the issues of the show where there are three shows happening which don't bear much connection to each other. The best is obviously Diane Goes Hunting, Baranski

This is definitely a geographical thing. In Guyana Amerindians (equivalent to Native Americans) prefer to be called Indigenous people, which is what they are called.

What's so weird, though, is remember the first campaign? Peter's State's Attorney race? At that point he was still a very featured guest star, Eli was a new addition to the cast and yet the election storyline more often than not felt integrated in the fabric of the show but also very intriguing on its own. It's such

The thing is if she does lose, this arc would have been even more maddening because we'd have spent all this time on it and it ended up being for naught.

I don't think this episode is C+ territory, but I've realised a large issue with the election storyline is the pronounced lack of suspense it brings.
Perhaps the Kings meant to look at an election in a different light, but think of the two previous elections on this show and how there was a legitimate element of

Yeah, the Kalinda issue was all kinds of bizarre this week.

Echoing the surprise, like others, that this is the A episode for this show. I found it incredibly dull and even worse on the narrative bits than previous ones.

They have his wife as a client. That was the reason he ended up going their in the first place so I suspect that's why he would have stayed.

She was there since the first season actually in the episode where Cary was high and Alicia had to stay overnight. Her husband was accused of killing their babysitter, and she's revealed to be Diane's close friends. Another example of how excellent this show is with guest continuity.

I felt like she was lying too because she never directly said they slept together just that euphemistic she "liked" me in the pantry and in the copy room et al.

Aaaah, that didn't occur to me. But David's a self-serving (if hilarious) asshole. He doesn't care about non-family law issues unless it concerns him directly.

Also, Viola is from out of town so it's not surprising she wouldn't be familiar with Elsbeth.