Great Boos Up

This is what I think we stand to lose if Kinja destroys this community. I didn't think I'd have an excuse to get into a conversation about Jeff Lynne's production style when I woke up this morning, but here we are.

*puts on brass knuckles*

Have you heard the recent remixes of "Free As A Bird" and "Real Love"? The drums on "Free As A Bird" have had something taken off them to sound much drier and less gated (even if it's something other than a gate responsible). But "Real Love" sounds almost completely different: deeper and more organic.

Although ELO never sounded like that. It was more like, between the release of the last ELO album in 1986 and recording George Harrison's Cloud Nine in 1987, he discovered a totally new production style (two-four drums, steady eighth-note bass, have a piano or synth pad playing chords under your main instruments) and

Get a load of Mr "Fuck You, Vocoders" over here!

Go back in time and destroy his recording stustudio.

There's an inconsistency in the tense of the phrase "If looks could kill they probably will" that cannot be fixed. It ought to either be "If looks could kill, they probably WOULD" (which doesn't rhyme) or "If looks CAN kill they probably will" (but "If looks can kill…" isn't an expression anyone actually says).

And when celebrities did play themselves it'd be, like, Ernest Borgnine or Mickey Rooney…

"So that's it after all these years? 'So long, good luck'?"

The thing I like about Bart during the Golden Age is that he seems to be a natural performer, particularly in his habits of picking up unusual and unlikely accents and voices ("Sharp as a thistle, clean as a whistle, best in all Westminster!") My theory is that if Bart had been allowed to grow up, he would have

Fun fact: that song only has one verse. The structure is:

Semisonic actually occasionally gets together to do a show. I went to one in Minneapolis where they played their Great Divide album the whole way through, and they had two new songs, so who knows?

Oh yeah, that one grates too.

Part of it, at least for me, is by that time Family Guy had come along, and at the time it seemed like the "next generation," taking the baton from The Simpsons and leaving them to obsolescence.

Maybe the sugar soliloquy?

"Lisa the Skeptic" and "Lost Our Lisa" are the two other episodes that season that I just find repellent and unpleasant. "Principal and the Pauper" is a bad episode in concept but the execution is at least watchable.

Magic xylophone, fired for that blunder, etc.

Season 9 contains the first post-Golden Age episode of the show I actively dislike ("Miracle on Evergreen Terrace").

I've got more than a thousand before I hit 20,000, which I guess I'm not going to make, but God be with you in your quest.

Wisconsin's 1st district is where all the affluent, white-collar Republicans live who like to pretend they're smarter and more compassionate than Trump's base but voted for him anyway because their scruples are only half an inch deep. These people are the moral cowards who wring their hands about the stupid stuff