Great Boos Up

I'm always surprised to remember that "Stupid sexy Flanders"/"Nothin at all!" comes as late as season 11. But I guess if it had been from a Golden Age episode I'd be able to place it right away.

This is sort of the crux of my feelings on this; the cheating as an act is sort of irrelevant to my thoughts because we've been discussing this for some time anyway.

I have actually never seen Community or Rick and Morty (now that Kinjapocalypse is upon us, I am free to confess my AV Club heresies) but I really loved that Great Minds series.

I have to admit that I am a regular Coke Zero drinker and tried the new Zero Sugar. If I taste-test them side by side, I think Zero Sugar is very slightly better (less of the diet soda aftertaste bite), but if they had just changed the formula but kept the packaging the same, I'm not positive that I would have really

Why, it's as though talented people don't want to work in a notoriously toxic work environment to spend all day making contrived excuses for a dull-witted egomaniac!

Mike's over at my place now and asked my wife to ask me to ask you if he left his Costco card at your house.

Aw man, I use Safari on my phone.

It will be hard to raise my son with any values. "You'd better get a good education, always be honest, and treat women with respect as human beings or…um…you could be president. Well, not YOU; I don't have any money for you to inherit…"

The mid-to-late 90s were when I got my first Discman and first started buying CDs with my own money based on stuff I heard on the radio, so I have a warm fondness for that post-grunge, pseudo-alternative adult contemporary pop-rock of the era, which I always think gets a bad rap for being breezy and accessible. But

Billy Preston plays piano on that track!

I'm tired of always seeing Joss Whedon in the tabloids!

Hey guys, has anyone made a Kevin Bacon joke yet???

I watched those movies as a kid (arguably too young), and I DEFINITELY assumed that's what all teenagers were like.

I'll just be here smokin some reefer and projecting some old-timey porn.

If you can think of a better way for me to make rent every month, I'd like to hear it!

Ari Lehman.

People would PAY for that shit now!

What would it mean to you, that sentence: "I haven't seen Friday the 13th YET"…

*Joel Schumacher angrily throws hat on the ground*

"Joss Whedon did a space western": this is a sentence that sounds like a goddamn slam dunk for me and my interests, and yet I did not like this show at all. Except for maybe the Beatles reference in the pilot.