Since Avatar is a Nick license, it's not going to appear as an exclusive anywhere else without lots of money. And I think Bryke are done for now anyway.
Since Avatar is a Nick license, it's not going to appear as an exclusive anywhere else without lots of money. And I think Bryke are done for now anyway.
Wouldn't that be girlfanning?
It's kind of interesting how they're really mixing the death of spiritualism with the military-industrial complex in probably the most literal way ever—with a motherfucking chainsaw.. I just want to see the swampbenders and Toph get all bendy on Kuviraar's collective ass.
You had ONE JOB, Mako!
I initially presumed it was his mother even before Bernadette suggested it, and Bernadette suggesting it was my confirmation of the punchline. When Raj mentioned the couples therapy, I almost literally slapped myself for not having considered that being the real punchline.
Can he be played by James Brolin, just so that James Brolin can play all the non-present TV dads?
Your "and this is fucking stupid" suggests that your headspace was pretty much where mine (and a lot of people's) was, but not Carrie's, unless you think her bipolarness offers her a meta overview of the developments in show.
I feel like this was swapped with episode two for some reason. Was it?
That sound you heard were the legions of Coulson/Ward slash writers screaming, "THIS IS MY TIME!"
For future reference, the male equivalent is "incubus"/"incubi (pl.)".
The real surprise here is that, in a twisted bit of product placement, Target is Sin Rostro. After all, corporations are people, but they don't have faces.
Also, now that Sandra Bernhard is on this show, can we please have a Regina Linetti/Jimmy Shive-Overly heckle-off?
Out of curiosity, did anyone catch what Scully's folder said? It looked like it was written in big balloon letters, but I couldn't see the writing.
Yeah, I need to hand it to them, I was like, "they wouldn't be crazy/stupid enough to make this twist…OR WOULD THEY?" for the duration of the entire scene.
She does some fun self-deprecating work in In a World…
Plus, you know, boobs on your back feel good.
I hope they do an episode where Jake realizes that Sophia and Amy are like Ross and Russ.
It takes a lot to make a stew.
Also, Zelda managed to get a large settlement from a large corporation in support of an otherwise small-town if beefcakey farmer on her own in a week? Either she's way underpaid for her talent or maybe they were just that awed by the guy's abs and backflips.
It was appreciated, simply because I thought he meant that he was going to hang out at OJ Simpson's house for as long as anyone could remember.