top scallop

why not write about the closer
A much much better tnt original series (the only good one?). It's arguably the best cop show on TV now plus it's pretty damn funny (Amy Sedaris did a few guest spots last season and killed).

I thought it was way underrated (The Science of Sleep, that is). It got compared to Eternal Sunshine way too much but ended up being very very different. And the visual tricks (cool though they were) distracted people from how well it dealt with the central issue — the social isolation of a guy who's essentially a

Ursula K. Leguin rather memorably reacted to the adaption of her wizards of Earthsea trilogy: http://www.slate.com/id/211… (she seems to have liked the Ghibli version only somewhat better: http://www.ursulakleguin.co…. I like that she doesn't just say "Boo! Changes! Bad!" but actually explains how it

It's a lot like The Office except dirtier and darker. Definitely on the level of 30 rock or the office and, I think, quite a bit better than any other comedy on TV now (and I say that as a longtime HIMYM fan).

blind leading the blind
I'm not a big blue grass fan but Chris Thile's four-part The Blind Leading the Blind is one of the most beautiful pieces of music I know and was apparently inspired by his divorce — mostly instrumental but what lyrics there are pretty haunting:

Awesome: Look, I know what it's like to be stuck in a dead end job without a girl.

And I see that Of Montreal Knows That Whores All Have Hearts Of Gold has answered the whole "why would people use the dollhouse for sex?" question in much greater depth above.

next week
I've loved the last four episodes (and even enjoyed the first five), but boy does next week's look lame, based only on the preview…. spoilers …

I don't think LeGuin is so much talking about the present (except in The Dispossesed), she's just more interested in societies than technology. I mean, the Left Hand of Darkness is a great book, but what does it say about the present day except in the vaguest of ways?

Ian M. Banks writes brilliant books, mostly dealing with how a culture (called the culture) with essentially unlimited resources would deal with itself and the rest of the galaxy. But instead of just writing about the culture, which would be kinda boring, he goes out of his way to make the case against it in every

You can't entirely hate a guy with a drawer of inappropriate starches.

I liked the setup of Enterprise, in particular the testy relationship between the Vulcans and humans. Sadly the show sucked. But the idea was good at least…

I haven't seen a lot of TNG eps recently, but in TOS, the body count is so high that it seems like a few mishaps with a holodeck would hardly get noticed. Someone has probably done this more systematically, but it seems like the average is one an episode or so (so one a month, maybe?), which puts being on a ship right

"You've been transported back in time… and to Mars…"

Forgot to mention, the quote is Malcom X, which is just too perfect for a band of white dudes who wish it was thirty years ago so they could be Marxists non-ironically.