Chris Hardwick


I think using frat-boy rock as a label is an act of organizing a band by it's fanbase, but if the shoe fits…
Some bands that seem like frat-boy rock to me are DMB, 311, and Sublime with Rome. Mostly inoffensive (although the crass commercialism of Sublime with Rome might offend some) but ultimately substance-free rock

If BaGiA is considered frat-boy rock, then it has, entirely on it's own, elevated and classed up an entire genre.

This week on "Talking Brown":


I beat the Succubus a week ago and I can't believe I've waited this long. Stupid teaching.

Hoping to put the single-player in Saints Row IV to bed, finally. After that, hopefully get through more of DmC, which is an underrated gem.

Tonight on "Talking Incest":

I haven't gotten around to V yet; basically anything that comes out during the school year gets delayed to Thanksgiving, Christmas, and other times when I don't have to grade stuff.

This week on "Talking It's So Right":

This week on "Talking Sad":

This week on "Talking Games":

This week in "Talking Poon":

This week on "Talking SKYNET":

Tonight on "Talking Lights":

Today on "Talking Gotham":

This week on "Talking Tale":

Tonight on "Talking Mutants":

Tonight on "Talking Tunes":

Tonight on "Talking Spidey":