
Warn of disturbing scene, at least, even if you don't spoil entirely. Seriously.

I was PRESSED. (Still am, in fact.) If you're going to drop an anvil (oh, life will be great, 2 seconds left to go, let's follow Matt for a drive about the country…), at least don't make it feel like a horror show on a period piece drama.

Doesn't show anything; is very disturbing.

I don't Netflix or Hulu (metered connection OR slow connection), but we HBO/Showtime/their affiliates. I **know** they drop movies all the time. I can't find non-commercial-interrupted movies like Pirates of the Caribbean (except latest 4th installment), Black Swan (not that old, won freakin awards), and lots of

I'll be real: this sucked for me. It was less bad that the first few episodes, but I think this is it for me and Homeland. It's off my DVR because I just don't care anymore. And I had named it up there with Breaking Bad and GoT; the first season impressed me so much that the second season was enjoyable for me, and I

I loved this episode. Another Tony "walking dream", this one his trying to get into the mind of a suicidal, because he just can't understand suicide, and hell he might be responsible. I don't think he would have cared either way if Gloria hadn't been seeing Melfi, but Tony wants Melfi to think well of him; justify

I will always hate Jack the character. The ONLY spirit Jack had about him was his dead-ass dad, who I think turned out to be God; you'd think THAT would give any character a lift, but Jack was simply dead. (That's why everyone guessed 'purgatory' right away: Jack was the personification of death.)

I don't watch Tom Cruise movies (out of principle—he's a tard), but I loved Salt, and get a good chuckle thinking of the sofa jumper being in any way even near a CIA building, much less in Salt's role. Hell, they'd step on him! (And no, I never saw a Mission Impossible flick.)

Yeah like I said, if Gilligan fleshes Todd and his family out better in the near future, which he usually does fairly well, I could swallow this better.

I love Lydia, really I do — awesome ass character. But I can't imagine these guys caring at all about Lydia, except insofar as they can help Todd get laid. Do they want to make pure meth? REALLY? I'll definitely change my tune if next week Gilligan fleshes that out more. I would have bought Gus, or Lydia herself,
