
I thought it was Mae West who said "Too much of a good thing  can be… wonderful", not Liberace.

and "filtering Pearl Jam through Jesus".

and "filtering Pearl Jam through Jesus".

Yeah how obnoxious of those damned hipster billionaire architects coming down and spending all their money building huge fucking museums full of art and drawing in tourists from all over the country to visit.

Yeah how obnoxious of those damned hipster billionaire architects coming down and spending all their money building huge fucking museums full of art and drawing in tourists from all over the country to visit.

Three hours south of El Paso would be Chihuahua, ya damn yankee carbet baggin' so-and-so.

Three hours south of El Paso would be Chihuahua, ya damn yankee carbet baggin' so-and-so.

The concert footage was fantastic, the interview portions varied between not-distractingly bad to distractingly bad. Murphy's 2010 interview with Terry Gross on Fresh Air knocked Klosterman out of the park. Yes, I am over 40.

The concert footage was fantastic, the interview portions varied between not-distractingly bad to distractingly bad. Murphy's 2010 interview with Terry Gross on Fresh Air knocked Klosterman out of the park. Yes, I am over 40.

Not so much an Alien prequel as a remake, I thought. Looks nice though. A solid 4 out of 5, I would say.

Not so much an Alien prequel as a remake, I thought. Looks nice though. A solid 4 out of 5, I would say.

My favorite line this episode
"My what a handsome young man."
"Thank you. You're quite the WILF yourself."

If it's still daylight in Qarth after night has set in Westeros, then the world must spinning in the opposite direction to the one we currently occupy.

Dana wasn't a virgin any more than Curt was a jock, Jules was a slut, or Marty was a fool (he's the one who figured it all out, right?). Like the director said, "We work with what we've got."

For the same reason that there is a "self-destruct" button in every S.F. movie ever but especially for purposes of this discussion in Alien.

Kevin Smith, surely.

The final moments of the film—two characters who've been through hell sitting calmly waiting for the end—is straight from John Carpenter's The Thing, as is Hadley's reaction when he finally sees his merman "You've got to be fucking kidding me!"

British humor is just too sophisticated for the typical American audience.

Pretty even-handed obit., I thought, if leaning a little heavily on the word "comforting".

If you want to know where the riff for "Mysterious Ways" comes from, take a(nother?) listen to Chapterhouse's "Falling Down". Sadly under appreciated band, Chapterhouse. Both their cds (Whirlpool and Blood Music) are full of good things.