
What can it possibly be…
about blowjobs and golf?

My List for "Sucker Punch"
-Giant Robots (check)
-Flame swords (check)
-Automatic Weaponry (check)
-Really attractive females (checkcheckcheckcheckcheckcheck)
-Dragons (check)
-Borrowed concepts from "Inception" and "The Matrix" (check)
-Vermont (check)

Alan Yang (Junior) writes for P&R, I believe.

Holy fuck, that is the most constructive response I"ve ever read. Great flaming stacks of shit logs, you are an insightful guy.

The Ping Pong Episode
of "The Office", where the last scene is Dwight and Mose engaged in an intense game of ping pong…fantastic.

Teen Wolf vs Michael Jackson
Why should I watch "Teen Wolf" when I've already seen the music videos for "Thriller" and "Jam" ?

I think most of us would have taken some of that money. Even the guy in charge of the evidence room forgot about it. And the way it was set up…showing her fight with Gary over the horse, then being handed the keys to the evidence lockers with no supervision: it's just human nature to be greedy sometimes.