The Pathetic Sharks

"be given choices to make in hairy situations" - hairy because they're apes?

'Werewolf in London' begins with 'An'…

Also, 'manservant' is slang for 'penis'.

"Congratulations to both Wongs on their success." Two wongs don't make a wight.

Noah? I almost married her!

Is he having a laugh?

They'd better beehive themselves.


He's saved the queen!

To paraphrase: 'Wake up sheeple!'

My grandmother told me that if you fart and sneeze at the same time, you'll do a back-flip.

Christ on a bike.

My utmost contrafibularities.

Then there was the cannibal who dumped his girlfriend.


Godzilla II: Godzooky (rated NC 17)

His visual acuity is based on movement.

You must have picked up a German radio station.