
Also RTD kills off the leads of QAF because he was pressured into making a second series that he did not want to make.  So for me, RTD resorts to killing off characters because he does not want to play with them anymore or because he does not know what to do with them rather than killing them off in service of good

I liked Charlotte killing people just for the heck but I expected a bit more from the CIA.  I expected John Delancie to show up at the end. 

Every time someone says how great COE was I think about Jack and Ianto going in to face the big bad without any idea of what they were going to do so they could have this emotional moment with Ianto's death which was totally wasted.  And oh yeah, Jack's suddenly has this grandchild to sacrifice in a plan that I still

I am annoyed if not surprised that talent did not win out last night. Another example of cute boys coming in first. However, I believe that RM and Co decided the final outcome weeks before the final and then the made a show around it.

Interestingly, the books have no problem killing off characters so if she had been a character in the book Jessica would be a goner.

El's business does not look all that successful to me. And this is NYC we are talking about so how inexpensive could their neighborhood be?

It bothers me
How does Peter afford that house on his FBI salary? Is is wife independently wealthy or does his have his own shady past?

The real line of the night:
"At the beginning we are lacking love. By the end, we are lacking breakfast"

The Sasha edit was a little strange since she made it to LV twice before (she dropped out last time for a job) and they acted like they were seeing her for the first time.