
I'm realizing that Leslie Knope thought Pawnee was The Good Place, and Eagleton was The Bad Place, but maybe she had it backwards all along?

They did!?!?

I've always heard that you can't submit a spec script to the actual show it's for/about, because they won't read it and risk you accusing them of stealing ideas later. Anybody else bothered by this, or is that just a nonsense fact?

It's called Checkers in different areas of the country (NYC, for the one example I know). Was very confused to see a restaurant in New Orleans that was exactly like a Checkers but called "Rally's", until I found out they're related. Like a Hardees-Carl's Jr. sort of thing.

Clueless belongs in the conversation — best Jane Austen movie.

Creak. Slam. Sit.

He's said on twitter (@craigwedren) that he really wants to release everything properly, and he's working on it, but Netflix owns the music so he's working with them. I don't think I'm being naively optimistic when I say it sounds like it should happen…hopefully sooner than later.

I can't speak to the Groundlings (that picture is a dead ringer though), but the UCB on Franklin is absolutely across the street from the Scientology Celebrity Centre International. Place looks like a damn castle right in the middle of LA: https://goo.gl/NSQIE7

I only scrolled this far through the comments to make sure someone said this; Beyond Belief is a masterclass in whip-smart dialogue. I recommend the episode "Second Star to the Wrong" for newcomers, in large part for the amazing first scene: to answer a knock at the door, or to poor another drink? Trust me, internet

"Melanie" has always been my favorite.

"Do you know any, like, time-consuming and free activities in Griffith Park?"

The follow-up record, 50,000 BC, is a lot more accessible (which made a lot of fans hate it; I guess since I only "discovered" them after they broke up I could like it). My favorites are Beauty Strike and Red House (which had been recorded several times before that record); Survival might suit your fancy too.

Ditto Elliot!

"Not great, BOB."

You mean the My Stepmother Is An Alien reunion?

You mean the My Stepmother Is An Alien reunion?

I believe you mean old man Pond.

I believe you mean old man Pond.

We've always gone with "L'il Damon".