
I had completely forgotten this song.  I was an exchange student in Ireland that summer.  I am an old.

I remember way back when NIN's "Closer" video was almost in it's entirety a rip off of Joel Peter Witkin's photography. And anything in that vid that wasn't Witkin, was mostly cribbed from the Brothers Quay. I don't recall them being quibbling little bitches about it.

Anybody wanna lay some money . . .
on this being a bout of alcoholic pancreatitis? They'll pump him full of fluids & he'll be fine to shoot on Monday.

That sucks.
Good show, Keith.

"This seemed more like an episode of Wire in the Blood."

As a Vagina American, I usually like all things Steve Albini-related. My old Songs About Fucking shirt really highlights the cans.

The most sensitive part of the vagina is near the opening. Deep penetration doesn't do much to stimulate it unless your cock has more girth at the base than the rest of it. And if it does, you should totally give me your number.

It's frequently credited to Leadbelly, but it's unlikely that he wrote it.

RIP Guru
You will be missed.

Letterman always had the best bands.

Overland Park is a good sized suburb of Kansas City, MO, it's approximately 172,000 strong.

And to think I was just thumbing through my dad's old comic of Superman vs. Muhammad Ali a few weeks ago. Huh.

Sonics. Sonics beat the Chocolate Watchband anyday.

Somehow this just reeks of Scientology voodoo to me. I know she credits the CO$ Narcanon program with ending her coke problem, now she's gonna try to solve her fat problem with Scientology, too. $90 a year to join up, $139 a month for "supplements" & a bunch of other foofaraw? I call bullshit.

Astro Scientician, I listened to it when I was eleven & haven't heard it since, so cut me some fucking slack. All I remember is the chicken heart & smearing jello & laughing my preteen ass off.

When I was eleven, my best friend's grandparents had a bin of comedy records that we listened to during sleepovers. Our favorite was Cosby's "Wonderfulness" because it contained the "Chicken Heart". It wasn't until college that I found out that the bit was actually cribbed from a "Light's Out" bit of the same name.

Obtuse reference, I think.

OOOOOPS. Rathbone. My grave error.

AGREED! I grew up watching the old Rathburn films, but Brett WAS Holmes. Arrogant, prickly & he certainly seemed like he'd definitely had a hit of the seven percent solution.