
How about not berating me for going for it on 4th and 1, even though that is what EVERYONE that plays Madden does?

Holy shit!  Somebody is selling a BETTER game than us for $20???  LOCK THAT SHIT DOWN!!!

Also, could they set other team's season stats to be based on 5 minute quarters.  Drives me nuts when I'm playing on pro and winning games 63-0, but my offense is ranked 30th for yards.

When playing on all-madden, do mediocre middle linebackers still have the ability to intercept all passes thrown within 15 yards of them?

Armin Tamzarian's reign of terror is over!

Nope, because when you were a teenager, you knew who The Eagles and James Taylor were.

I really do enjoy Utz's CrabChips and Megaman II.

When I teach
I use the "The answer is the battle of New Orleans… I mean Andrew Jackson" joke at least once a year.

I looked them up before I posted
Hey Dude: 89-91
Salute Your Shorts: 91-92
Clarissa: 91-94
Pete + Pete: 93-96

This Nick type of nostalgia is oddly specific. Being born in 1982, I definitely watched the hell out of Hey Dude and Salute Your Shorts, and to a lesser extent Clarissa… but by the time Pete & Pete rolled around I was "too old" to watch Nick.

HBO Movie
Man, If you are an HBO Movie and you DON'T get 15 nominations, you clearly did something wrong.

I don't hate the Eagles for their music per se, I just hate that they spawned 25 years of country artists trying to re-make "Take it Easy"

I'd rather a band not talk to me than talk the way most crappy bands talk. If you have to encourage the crowd to get excited about your hit song… you suck.

That is the problem with the current "submit-an-episode" method of nomination. A show could have a kick ass pilot, then 11 episodes featuring an hour of steaming piles of shit, but all the academy has to go on is the pilot.

You people are being pretty douchebaggy. Checking your screen at knee level with the other hand shielding it is no way a violation. I would argue that it is WAY less distracting than someone getting up to go to the bathroom (or going to the lobby to check the phone). And actually replying via text is no more

Nothing else about this episode matters…
because the Redskins win the Super Bowl!!!

All good, but Land of Chocolate wins with:

I believe, Scrawler, that it was a race kerfluffle.

Pretty much the only ones I listen to.