
Tyler Perry:Black Community :: Kenny Chesney:White Community

I think the problem for a soccer movie has more to do with the nature of the game. Football, Basketball, and Baseball all frequently have moments where you know THIS IS THE LAST PLAY/PITCH/SHOT!!!, whereas soccer ends because the ref blows the whistle while nothing interesting is going on. An exciting soccer game is

Also, if you tell a roomful of drug dealers that you are packing, they will be scared of you instead of immediately shooting you. As long as you're sassy of course.

Rocky IV
Rocky didn't single handedly win the cold war.

Also, this type of movie would require the actors to actually have some semblance of talent in the sport they are portraying. With very few exceptions (Burt Reynolds in the Longest Yard), this doesn't happen (Gary Cooper in Pride of the Yankees, Ray Liotta in Field of Dreams, Tim Robbins in Bull Durham, etc.) This

… and when I said that Hook was the Goonies of the Millennials you all laughed!

The cops knew internal affairs were setting them up?

hold on, i want to attach a rider to that bill to support the perverted arts!

Holy shit, I didn't actually believe that, but Minnesota totally has a regressive taxation system because of property taxes. That is a) fucked up and b) not typical

Just like when they have 2 weeks to hash out a budget, then spend 1.5 weeks voting on 2 separate budgets, both of which had a 0% chance of becoming law.

Ive got two preschoolers, and

There are also none of them east of the Appalaichains, and 1 north of the Ohio… so I would not describe it as a "national" retailer. Sounds cool though.

Kinsi is right. Every Blu-Ray I've seen has made "movie magic" look like "filmed on soundstage"

I'm sorry guys, but Portland does not have enough black people to count as a "city"

Even ESPNs coverage of [commercial break] live sports is getting [commercial break] unbearable [commercial break]

Well Evel, in America, we call that "news"

Hockey is the ultimate "see it live" sport. The dropoff from being in a hockey arena and watching it on TV is huge. This makes hockey fit the Tony awards perfectly.

What happened to having someone come out and explain the plot and show a clip from each best picture nominee? Did that get scrapped with the +5 nominees?

I'm with Cookie. All awards and hosting duties should go to Muppets.