
Yeah, I'm finally going to say it. I have personally never known anyone that was denied care or services because their health insurance company pulled a fast one.

Chuck Brown!
Go Go!

Continuity Error!
Didn't they say that they met Lesbian Robin BEFORE Mustache Marshall? But when Mustache Marshall was in McLarens, it was pre-Robin, so Lesbian Robin would have meant nothing to them!

It's called a Van Drake.

No One pays attention to Boxing
Note to NFL: Boxing was once a very popular sport. This is what happens when you make people pay to watch games on TV.

I shall propose to him an agreement whose terms he will find impossible to decline.

Why Can't These Kids go to a real high school
You know, where they study math and science.

Here's the thing about the Post Office though. If the government decided to dump $2 Trillion into it, UPS and FedEx wouldn't last the year.

Can we talk about the logistical problem that is REALLY keeping us from having a Canadian style system?

See, I just would have turned around and said "does professor have one F or 2?", I mean its not like I'm there to teach spelling.

None of Joker's plots make logistical sense.

The plot holes in The Dark Knight keep eating away at the rectroactive enjoyment of the movie.

The main character actually IS Tyler Durden.

I don't know about the "states will fall like dominoes" theory. If State A passed a single payer system, wouldn't that be like a big sign on the Border saying "Poor people of State B, Move Here!". Do you think State B would pass a law for a single payer system if that meant the poor people would stop moving out?

This particular health care (if public option is included) will lead to the inevitable game of chicken between the government and insurers down the road.

Honest question: How much does the US open and lax immigration policy contribute to this? Do illegal immigrants count in the "uninsured" number? How will they fare with the reform? What kind of healthcare do European "guest workers" get?

Lack of health insurance is clearly why Driver 8 didn't want to take a break.

Now this is bullshit, who the hell am I supposed to support if I want restrained government spending.

Why doesn't anyone understand that so many teacher movies are ridiculously racist.