
We're going out… If we don't come back, avenge our deaths!

Thanks Woodrow Wilson!

There is clearly a CIA Black Site in Guam.

So the islands position in time and space can only be probabilistically estimated…
The island is clearly an electron!

I'm a huge dork.
My formula is incorrect, it should be

I really like the use of Grimley as short hand for Michael's sense of humor though.

Oh, of course, the correlary. This equation breaks down when you have so many cats that you don't name them all, you are just off the charts then.

No, I like the exponential increase… you can't convince me that a person with three cats and ten cats are equally insane. But I think the crazyness starts to increase with two cats not one. My formula

You know what dino is underrated though:
Pterodactyl - - That motherfucker could fly.

C'mon we're losing perspective here… you're like the people who say Babe Ruth wasn't the best Baseball player ever just because that's too easy of an answer.

Ok Okokok, I can definately see how having the latest edition of your daily paper, or favorite magazine beamed into your e-reader, very convinient if you are one of the 4% of Americans that use mass transit to commute. But 90% of us drive to work and can only read at home, where are magazines are and computer is.

I'm trying to think about the last time when reading an e-device was markedly more convenient for me than reading a computer or carrying a book… I failed.
It is just silly to compare this to an iPod. The iPod was a clear improvement over a Discman.

My car got stolen in baltimore, and they took my CDs and Radio… but if someone steals your car and ditches it close to where it got stolen, then they probably just stole it to commit a crime, not to financialy benefit from the goods inside the car.

I'm outraged about the price too.
a) seriously, its the same price as an iPhone. (i know, the non-backlit is nice, but that also means I have to turn on a light when I read in bed, which is like 90% of my reading time.

I should like watching "Mr. Belvedere" a lot, but I shouldn't have to masturbate at the end of every episode.

nah, anything involving sauce is done.

I was really into NOFX when I was 18, and i've never been west of Texas.

Silly Brits
I have the undeniable stranglehold on chips that sound disgusting but are secretly delicious… Stop trying.

Nutella only tastes good if you are European or want to be…
Americans prefer Peanut Butter for the exact same uses.

See, I thought "Behind the Laughter" was the first truly awful episode. It was totally reliant on a pop culture refrence that everyone knew was fleeting, and it seemed like just an excuse to throw in one liners about drugs without holding them into a story structure. (sounds like family guy). It is certainly no