
Sounds Like
An American Remake of "The Thick of It"… They could do worse.

Just Arsenal and Chelsea? What about Spurs, West Ham and Fulham?

Being giant doesn't win Vietnam, but being invincible and able to vaporize anything you point at does.

If I remember correctly, in the book, Doc wore underpants during the entire 1970's, Vietnam thing. But yes, if there is not a healthy dose of Dr. Manhattan dangly bits, I will be dissappointed.

Um, does Watchmen really even have any fight scenes? I mean there's Rorshach beating up an old guy… and a mob of people beating up another old guy, and Ozy beating up a planted guy. Basically there aren't any fair fights that should last longer than 10 seconds on screen.

On this tangent… you know what else are overrated? Blowjobs. Granted, they don't fit into this question, because I don't DISlike blowjobs, but the fall off from actual sex is much greater than people acknowledge.

Here's one
Godfather II.

You know why I hate NY? Because Baltimore is my town and everybody everywhere considers Baltimore to be a very poor man's Philly, which is in turn a very poor man's NY.

Did anyone else see exactly ZERO of the nominated movies?

yeah but HFS had fallen pretty far into alt rock bullshit before they made that change.

Here's a Game I Play
Turn on the "Modern Rock" station, and see how many songs they play in an hour that are less than 10 years old. If the answer is 2 or more, you win a cookie

Hey, I know where Merriweather Post Pavillion is: It's between Broken Land Parkway and 175 off of 29 bitches!