
Only just saw this movie, and aside from its main flaw - that we don't care about any of the characters nor are we given a reason to - it seems to build up this entire ethos of magic, sorry Michael, illusions being based on misdirection, of looking one way while something else is happening. The movie implicated the

This was my main issue with the car chase as well. Do we want James Franco's brother to get away? We've spent about 2 minutes with the character, so we should be hoping for Ruffalo's character to catch him. But Ruffalo isn't our hero, he's just acting the boring mope. So we care about neither of the characters, which

So what if in fact Walt is not going to kill Jack and his posse but rather Gretchen and Elliot. Because I, too, find the buildup of Walt as gung-ho hero as against the grain of what Gilligan & co have been up to, so it would be an interesting fake-out à la Silence of the Lambs if he just starts shooting people at Grey

I dislike season 6 more than 7 for what it did to the show. By the time season 7 came around it was already non-essential viewing that was watched while doing other things.

Ugh. I was emotionally done with this show and it's growing need for obvious metaphor and imagery that is constantly misread as subtlety, but was willing to see it through to the end to see if it would redeem itself after the drudge that were seasons 5 and 6. But now I have to stick with it 2 whole years?? FFS.

What I think has been missing from this whole discussion w/r/t the phone call is that, just as Walt's motives and actions are layered in complexity, so are Skyler's.

Walt: Rosewood, Mahogany, Teak?
Walt Jr.: I beg your pardon?
Walt: What would you like your breakfast tray made out of?
Walt Jr: I don't really mind
Walt: Are you sure? Fine! Well, you go and and have a really good night's sleep then, I'm hoping to get a couple hours later on myself but I'll be up in good time to serve

Battlecar Compactica yeah, the sexual perversion in King *can* work (e.g. Rose Madder, Gerald's Game) when it is part of the overall narrative. When it's just there to be shocking (oh hi handgun anal rape in the Stand) then I tend to get a bad taste in my mouth. See also: any and all of Clive Barker.

That pre-teen gang bang actually happened, didn't it? I haven't been able to talk about it in case I had imagined, I only read it once (12) but I seem to recall the plot being basically "oh we're lost… to find our way out of here all of us need to totally have sex with Bevwhatshername" and then they had to bite a

I think that one element that is overlooked w/r/t the constant "how could the West Wing be so good and Newsroom so bad" is, the casting and the direction. The desperately needed thing just magically appearing to the characters is a trope that has been used at least twice on the West Wing and both times it was funny