
For a brief moment, I thought maybe they would kill her but then turn her into an LMD… then I realized that that would probably be even dumber.

I've only now put together that the Dancing Lobsters from The Amanda Show are a spoof of the Dancing Itos.

October. Fucking. Sky. That's not a slam on the movie, which is actually quite good, but the fact that I watched it at least six times between eighth and twelfth grade, plus once on a bus.

Nah, Roger doesn't really get toasted until season 5 and his little "trip".

I'm hoping we can at least get "Blazing Saddles: The Musical" out before Mel leaves us. It has the most songs already written.

It's fitting that "Terror of the Zygons" is getting reviewed next month, considering something from the "Day of the Doctor" trailer.

I liked the idea that some of the people in NJ were throwing around of having Billy Joel be the halftime act. He's going on tour again, he's a native, he has enough of a draw to have people tune in, there's the draw of having 20,000 people sing "Piano Man" live because he doesn't like singing it anymore… Maybe they'll

I was gonna jump in with "You left out Alapalooza!"… and then I looked up the track listing and realized that I had mixed it up in my head with "Bad Hair Day". The only really decent songs from "Alapalooza" were "Jurassic Park" and "Bedrock Anthem". Even the polka version of "Bohemian Rhapsody" was kind of lame.

I keep forgetting that the Shit Monster is in "Dogma", mostly because that entire scene is taken out whenever it's shown on television.

I can't remember if it was SNL or Mad TV (I think the latter) that did a spoof of "I Love the 80s" where the time periods kept getting shorter and shorter until they were recapping what happened seconds ago, thus ending the world.

"Green With Evil", no joke, made me change my favorite color from blue to green for years.

I was seven when MMPR debuted, so naturally they formed one of the cultural touchstones of my life. The Megazord was my birthday present. When the 8-inch figures came out, there was such a shortage that after waiting hours in line at Ames, my parents were only able to snag four of the figures. It took me another three

Did you seriously just write an article about the most important pop cultural icons of 1993 and leave out the Power Rangers?!

I wonder how many people went to that film festival and demanded their money back when they didn't show "The Seven Samurai".


I'm sure someone, somewhere is complaining that Benedict Cumberbatch isn't playing one of them. I haven't read the book so I don't know who he would play, but you know someone is whining that Benedict wasn't cast.

I don't know if I can take that stabbing scene from NotLD seriously anymore after last night's Rifftrax Live presentation. "She's been spade!"

And yet simultaneously he's a weak nincompoop ignoramus who can't even put together a website! What a complex character.

Thanks for making a Pink Ranger joke for "Susie Q" so I wouldn't have to.

This was the first time since the premiere where I had to wonder: could they seriously not have sent Iron Man in to deal with this guy? Or even Cap? What's the threshold for calling in the people with powers?