Bing Bong the Archer

Solid A

I wasn't so sure about this at first, but then I listened to it on my Sony tablet, and yeah, no, rock and roll is definitely dead.

Huzzah! Is that right?

I like where you're going with that. STOP. I CAN'T.

Or Terriers. I miss Terriers.

And some brief but expressive Peter Scolari nudity.

Laugh track or GTFO

"Well, they were here, and…they said that they were going to…go there, and…they went. Yeah. Safari…Safari Motel. Uh huh. Hey, you wanna watch some t.v. or something?"

Yeah, it's worth a listen. Also, Dan mentions that he called Bill Murray, which is more than slightly better than being held down and watching your family get raped on a beach.

Dan Harmon has seen season four. And I quote: 
"There's something awesome about getting held down and watching your family get raped on a beach."

Frog races, definitely. Also, one-wing fly races. Very sexy.