There's a guy with an Occam's Razor avatar and he's saying the most unreasonable things in the comments.
There's a guy with an Occam's Razor avatar and he's saying the most unreasonable things in the comments.
Nothing to see here.
(wolf gang kill them all)
*bites tongue so hard that I eat my lower jaw*
Yeah, but you hate joy, Pix.
People don't realise that the DOOM comic was too. I understand that satire can be easily misunderstood, but those were not subtle. They were A Modest Proposal levels of obvious.
Who said this on TinyChat?:
Ohhhh J.H. Williams III. Definitely one of the most interesting artists around at the moment! Not the most fluid, and his art tends to lack a sense of continuity, more a static series than anything with a sense of motion.
Things are still going well for me, if not better. Met the girlfriend's mother, bit awkward but she's all right. Also lots of sex.
That too.
Disqus keeps signing me out. Anyone else having this problem or is it just a local bug?
This isn't Tumblr, you're allowed to not like Tennant here.
There's no such thing as tasteful blackface.
I find them bland and vaguely pleasant, but nothing to remark upon. I'm not a big pop fan. They just do not appeal to me.
I've only seen The Howling out of these, but I didn't particularly care for it.
Wait a minuteā¦ The Legend Continues is from Kung-Fu!