
I thought Kate was a lesbian. Weird.
Comics is a small incestous community, so it's not that weird.


You are mistaken, it's from Hark! A Vagrant. Haven't read Bad Machinery in years. Not that I didn't like it, I just forgot what it was called after I got a new PC.

This is entirely too confusing.

That's who I meant.

JanetSnakehole's on Twitter all the time? Why can't they do it?

Black Mirror!

That was a fun read, but nothing I hadn't already worked out. Thanks anyway!

Who Downvoted Bambi?

I watched Repo Man last night. I liked it, solid B (some dodgy dialogue, pretty weak start), but what the hell was it about?

Eh, who cares what this mystery downvoter thinks? I'm happy, my girlfriend's happy… I'm a big enough person to take an upside down chevron.

No, he's talking about the person "I".

Oh, I've terrible things going on, but not in my relationship.

Haven't got around to seeing it yet, but I've already worked in a Simpson ref (church… Or synagogue).

I'm still happy (vis-a-vis relationships).

I'll be lovely to Emily, but Ralph's a bit self-involved.

I've The MoC DVD. Is it more or less the same as the BR? (I haven't watched it yet, I've been busy. For two or three years.)

How much Shreck is in this movie? The Max Shreck.

It's about representations of Religious Faith in Dickinson's poetry and Emerson's essays (I'm using Nature and Circles, because I like an easy fight). Versions from the Norton Anthology B 8th Edition.

I'm supposed to be writing about Emerson and Dickinson, so agree to disagree?