
People liked The End of Time? Really? Really!?! But lightning hands!

This is the last review before New Disqus. I feel less Tom Baker, acceptance of death, and more Sylvester McCoy, randomly gunned down by gangsters.

I'm wrong about most things.

Yeah, go to Disqus.com.org.gov.edu and register for a Disqus account with the same name.

You have an A.V. Club account that is hosted by Disqus. You won't be able to sign in once we make the transition.

I have a Disqus account for Gameological, but I really disliked using it. If I used Twitter, weird people might find me and be abusive. It's happened before. I'm probably done commenting.

Yep. That's how it's going to work.

Yes. That is infinitely preferable to New Disqus.

The worst thing about it, the other Chicanery is some CNN commenting Libertarian nutball bastard. They haven't commented in a year, and seeing this profile that I've put so much effort into be washed away like it was nothing is utterly soul shattering.

I did that ages ago, but someone is already going by Chicanery on Disqus. So yeah, this account is gone. Fuck.

So I guess I'm losing this account? I can't sign into this through Disqus, and the A.V. Club is losing profiles.

Red Sonja 4, and yeah there's a crossover coming.

Also, I read 5 in Marge Gunderson's voice.

So everything I'm already doing is right. I'll just try to be less clumsy (not easy for me) and neurotic (also not easy).

Receiving oral's too intimate for her right now. She has issues from prior unpleasantness that I won't go into.

Yes. 2 guys. Pretty easy, it's different but fun. Yes, she knows. She's okay with it, she can't make me not bi, and she has a few bisexual tendencies herself.

I do, I'm just terribly clumsy.

The universe is infinitely complex and we all have internal motivations. Also maybe drugs.

Can anyone actually help me with this fingering lark? I'd only been with guys sexually, and now that I'm with a lady I'm… Well, I'm good at some things but not vaginas.

I'm a checkout operator. We're trained to get people moving through ASAP to keep queues down and reduce time that we're not checking out (they keep records of that). Bitchface was just trying to not be fired.