It looks droopy.
It looks droopy.
You'd think he'd be a dentist.
Anyone want a Free Steam Key for Bastion? I already have it on Xbox.
They did. Dads. They're not reviewing Dads.
I won't be able to deal with New Disqus, so I'm probably going to stop commenting soon. Sorry.
The thing is, Hal and Walter White have some really similar moments. You can see the evolution in performance. There's a scene in an early season in which he outright blackmails his in laws, and it's very Breaking Bad. The delivery is from the careful rehearsed malevolence of Walt's deals.
I know I am but what are you.
Yeah, I say it's going well because I sort of have a girlfriend now.
Sorry for not being around much lately, I've been busy. Getting stuff ready for university, weddings, boring stuff like that.
So what you calling the new Pvt. Broccoli?
Nightmares suck, Cat person gun dude, but sometimes they happen. All you can do is fight through the days.
If you make a fist with your thumb inside you lose your gag reflex.
Wild Turkey with an Innis & Gunn chaser if you must. Not recommended, less you want to touch oblivion.
I'm not saying huzzah to her. It'd be weird.
The flower thing happened in Louie. Except it didn't go well.
Yeah, that'd never happen, she's nothing to worry about.