peppermint butler

Yeah I suppose it makes sense for Americans to want to identify themselves as *insert country* -American as it's such a diverse and young country. It's interesting.

Irish people speak Irish, not Gaelic. Gaelic is the native language of Scotland.

If you're actually Irish it can be massively frustrating and confusing for Americans to appropriate your culture though, just based on their great grandmother's surname or whatever. American culture is very different to Irish culture.

Snicket is a York word, which means a narrow passageway. Lemony is the forename of a bereft author.


Royal Tenenbaum is wandering around in the background.

'Not you, fire!'
'Not you, naan bread!'
'Not you, extreme sports calendar!'
These three lines, spread out over the three seasons of The Mighty Boosh are the best.

Enter Ghost of Franco, and sits in Macbeth's place

The Hobbit: Beorn to be Wild

I hope it's not just an act. I love the fact that Finn's father is actually a neglectful arsehole. It differs so much from the 'infallible father' trope and I think it's helpful for kids who have similar relationships with their Dads.

Man, Prismo's gone. I'm gonna miss that big guy. Hopefully not forever though.

They need to get ALL the recognition. Brett Anderson is the Jesus to David Bowie's God.

Girls & Boys is a terrible nursery rhyme of a song that gets pedaled out in every crap 'indie' night in England. Let us speaketh not it's praises, lest it continue to linger in these foul corners of the earth.

I consider it a crime that Suede's Animal Nitrate wasn't top of this list. A CRIME I SAY!

The 'romance subplot' being a literal stalker situation is what I hated most about the movie Pitch Perfect. It's a horribly uncomfortable trope that perpetuates a really dark side of modern male behaviour, especially when the stalker gets his own way in the end.

It wasn't really 'discovered' by this Reddit user though, was it? (has anything ever been?)
I mean, this comparison image has been circling the internet since 2011, and I've been playing 'spot Glamdring' ever since I had it pointed out to me..