
DotD was my first Zack Snyder and his best. It was fun, scary and gory. The cast was great, especially Ty Burrell & Michael Kelly. And that opening scene with the kid haunts me to this day (having a sleepwalking toddler doesn't help).

'DoYaThang' is still my favorite.

Jesus, he looks like a nipple-nosed roofie dealer. No thanks, buddy!

Ow! My Balls: The Movie!

The GTA: San Andreas theme and the score from Arkham City to get me pumped up for the beginning of the week.

I think I have a new hetero man-crush.


"Scanning for sarcasm…IT'S CLEAN!"

Parliament/Funkedelic, of course. Who wouldn't want to see theatrical versions of "Flashlight", "Atomic Dog" and "Electric Spanking of War Babies"?

Eh, those kids were going to die eventually. They should have had their hair cut short, like Carol. Long hair in a walker-occupied forest sounds like a bad idea.

It's a Daryl/Beth/Crossbow love triangle.

Love this show! And one of the reasons why I moved to NYC (the other was Ghostbusters).

I transferred from a very 'PC' school to a 'party' school and went to a few PFunk concerts, so that movie is like a time capsule for me.

I'm making a case for Digital Underground's 'Bran Nu Swetta'.

This was the year I discovered The Shield, one of the best (and most satisfying) TV series evah!

I specifically remember watching 'A Clockwork Orange' and 'Harold and Maude' in my favorite high school English class. Those two films had a huge effect on me at the time and made me feel like a 'grownup'.

Definitely Dr. Who (and maybe Torchwood). 30 Rock, too (but comedies are easier).