
Wow when I read "lads and jockeys" horses were like the last thing to come to my mind!

I think I'm not alone in this so I'll spit it out: I want Dusty to win just because I'd like to see him get the prize money. I wouldn't mind if Kymia did, because she seems earnest as well, but the rest of the artists are dull and/or insufferable caricatures and nobody at this point is pretending that any of these

Yeah unless Dallas has people calling each other "scheming harlot[s]" and/or bizarre and absurdly elaborate surveillance plot-lines and/or some sort of earnest small town boy who just wants the love of a wealthy girl, I AM NOT WATCHING.

Something something not on this planet anymore….


El Dan, you make me completely miserable.

Personally, I felt that Huge Bareback Cocks 2 had plenty, but you know, opinion is subjective.

Pedophilia is disgusting. I challenge anyone to tell me why its not.

I would not mind a remake of Brick, that's basically shot-by-shot the same except with way more dicks. Good movie.

Please Cover the O.C. as classics AV club! Marah Eakin seemed interested the last time I mentioned it!

Moar Liek Dawes of the Dead, Amirite?

I've probably seen the O.C. at least 4 times over, and yes its getting stale now, but that's on the 4th viewing. I'd still love to read the recaps, regardless of others distaste for the show.

Revisit the O.C. please.

I do not think a Black woman could ever win this show. Its not ethical or anything, I just think that is the harsh reality plus the demographic of the show and the fashion world.

Also, the order of the final four was basically how evil they were. Anya: Somewhat bitchy, but extremely disingenuous about everything if it will make her a dime or get her some press. Josh: Very bitchy but seems to actually have a good heart beyond playing to the cameras. Viktor: Mildly bitchy, but mostly just very

Disagree with what? My glowing review? I think its probably terrible too. There's a slight chance it might redeem itself as the show finds a footing in later episodes, but I find that unlikely.

Watched This. Don't even bother covering future episodes. Its not terrible, its not great. Its the unholy lovechild of Designstar from HGTV and Project Runway, lacking in the purposefulness of the former, or the panache of the latter. I may even watch future episodes, just don't waste your breath writing about the

To see the world in a grain of sand, 
And a heaven in a wild flower,
 Hold infinity in the palm of your hand,
 And eternity in an hour. (and a half)

I really appreciate the esoteric invective.

This should not be.