Evil Star-Burns

That's the "fiction" part in "science fiction". It's supposed to make you think about real life, not be an accurate representation of it.

If Unicron turns into a robot larger than the Earth I might have to watch this movie.

Well, obviously the term "reveal" refers to deliberately obfuscated plot points which are made clear in key moments, as opposed to the clear, immediate cause and effect that makes up most of the narrative. This show has less of the latter then usual, though.

He was so happy about getting shot it was kind of endearing.

Good catch, it's a nice parallel even if it wasn't intentional.

The awareness is not simulated, it's an unavoidable consequence of the reveries update. Ford's narrative was the path the hosts had to take so they could be free. What happens now it's up to them.

SW is probably goning to remain an easter egg for that very reason.

I think they're just being mysterious about the park being on an island for some reason.

She clearly did. The script had her reaching the mainland.

It's not a farce. It's real. It's part of what makes her a person.

And maybe in some level you will enjoy it too.

Dolores hopes William will save her, but we know he's not coming. But the moment isn't atually cynical, because we know Teddy is coming. What does it matter that is all written? It's a TV show, everything is written. It matters to the charaters. In their reality, they have a real connection.

In the end, when she tells him he's not bad for a human, I couldn't decide if she meant "you have empathy" or "you obey my every command."

It's like in The Prestige, where you get all caught up in the predictable plot twist and might not even notice the layers about science vs. faith, art vs. spectacle, etc.

Maybe it's "Shogun World".

The maze wasn't meant for him. He found shit, but got his wishes anyway.

No, he said something like "once she reaches the mainland…", so getting out of the train was her choice.

Gotta get those sexy, sexy clicks.

I know you're joking, but the dude got to work in a major feature for the first time since forever, I bet he was pretty happy with that. Also, MacFarlane obviously loves Flash Gordon and wouldn't change anything about it, unlike Jorge, who keeps fiddling with Star Wars like he has OCD or something.