The Real Fake Jake

Suuuure, like the guy in the $3000 suit is going to get his ass kicked by Tobias Funke. C'MON!!!!!!

Actually, I think a lot of people would get a kick out of "hate reading" Voyager reviews. There are a few episodes to enjoy, but it's even better to shit all over the bad ones.

He also won a belching contest against Eudora Welty.


What kind of man comments on a Classic Simpsons episode review, "What kind of man wears Armor hot dogs?!?" and wears Armor hot dogs?!?

Isn't "paradigm" a word dumb people use to sound smart?

"Good work, Todd. Some day you'll make Simpsons reviewer for this."

Be Like Boy! Be Like Boy!

And now, please rise for our opening hymn, uh… "In the Garden of Eden," by I. Ron Butterfly.

And he tastes like a peanut.

Is that the deal with Mr. Smithers? You know what I mean….

You better believe that's a paddlin'.

What's this about Nathan?

You want to look at Nathan's tunk (you must mean trunk).

Change the channel, Marge!

"It's time for more deeeeeeee-mentia, with Dr. Demento!"
/throws radio out the window


Winter is ascending…

What else is he supposed to sing about? That's why people say, "You write what you know."

Obviously this particular message board is the end-all be-all determination of who is good at music or not. Therefore, the Beatles SUCK!