The Real Fake Jake

There are no teams in the Game of Thrones! Every man and dragon- or Smoke Monster-birthing woman is on their own!

Since there are no DNA paternity tests in Westeros, there really is no way for Joffery to lose the crown. Perhaps if a Magna Carta-like document had been signed into law, there'd be a strong code for succession, but as it stands, the only way to overthrow the king is with steel.

There is certainly logic to your argument, and if the throne were up for grabs this season, I doubt Daenerys would be in any position to contend for it….on the other hand, why would the show be focused on such a rag-tag group if they didn't have big plans for the Khaleesi? Why introduce the Targaryens and Khal Drago

Thanks for your contribution!

It's time, once again (for the 1st time ever), for the Iron Throne Power Rankings!

Women and seamen don't mix.

Can I go now?

The John Deer mower should at least get an honorable mention for crippling that douchey British guy.

It's almost as if Coop has….lost some testosterone, somehow.

You're thinking of Changlings, which is to the Founders as Humans are to the Federation (well, not exactly….).

Drown your laptop in wine!

Gawd, was that book boring as shit to read back in the 6th grade. Barely retained anything from it. Now, Of Mice And Men…now there's a story that stays on track, and has characters we modern Americans can still kinda-sorta relate to.

There's a difference between a quick kiss and your brother dry humping you on the back of a horse for, what I assume was more than an hour. I know it was just to spice up the eventual reveal that she's his sister….but if this weren't a TV show I'd be certain she'd be down for some serious brother-fucking.

Someone draws a dagger right behind Tyrion, but before we find out if he's killed or not the screen goes black.


I like to think the word means a kind of rationalization, where past events conveniently align with your current argument.

The ShirtPants cutaway, just so you know, had nothing to do with that Stewie joke earlier this year; it's a DIRECT reference to a cutaway many years ago (I think it was the episode where Lois went to jail) where the Quagmire jingle led to another sex joke completely unrelated to the scene. I guess not everyone in the

Don't worry; the Community Backlash is coming, because once something awesome has been around long enough, internet commenters will tear it to pieces to replenish their own dwindling self esteem. Once cracks start appearing in the facade people will come out of the woodwork to explain how THEY could have written

What, should Don Rickles stop making fun of people in the audience? You don't just change your comedic persona on a whim, especially just because you didn't like  guest spot on a cartoon.

Maybe Nicholson's downhill turn is, oh…….I don't know, a result of him GETTING OLD.