The Real Fake Jake

What's so random about the 3rd (and 4th) acts? Thry make it PERFECTLY clear that Lisa convinced herself that her love for the Michael Cera-type was just like the play Pyramus And Thisbe — crack in the wall = crack in between the booths where the two met — and like the end of the play, if they were to kiss underneath a

It's unbecoming for a reviewer to take an episode so personally, and I can only conclude that Rabin was terribly offended by the direction the show is taking Kristin Schaal's character….although Schaal is, at best, a minor player in THIS EPISODE, and the revelation about the character's stalking comes at the very end.

The great thing about Hicks is that he knew how to find the amazing and profound in everyday stuff, and see the pointless bullshit in things most of us take seriously. He wasn't always right, but he seemed to have it all figured out (or just enough of it). Innately we all know what is right and wrong, and a whole

Can I go now?

Cool. Can I get a cookie? If not, how about millions of dollars and a harem of supermodels?

Good! More #shrim for me!

Really, 30 Rock? The freakin' "Charlie bit my finger" kid get's more lines than Mick Foley? What a waste.

I'm almost positive she said "Bonk" movie.

Even better: Marshall slaps Ted to death.

I do. Fuck Ted. This show would be the best thing on TV without him.

CBS is a bland, BLAND network; they won't let this show get even remotely spicy in any way. If the rest of the network is mayo, then HIMYM is Miracle Whip.

Long story short, your mom is a robot and you kids are just holograms. Who the hell am I even talking to?

Here's the perfect ending to the show: since Bob Saget sounds nothing like Ted, it's revealed that Saget is not Ted at all, but a stalker meticulously recording every part of Ted's adult life.  Once Ted is FINALLY about to meet The Mother, Saget brutally murders Ted (to such a heinous degree that no trace of his

I'm not surprised that Allen Gregory made it to air, because the people who decide which shows make it on air — Hollywood's elite producer/agent/lawyer douchebags — are being parodied by Allen Gregory and his father. They say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, after all. While I got a kick out of these

They may crash the party in part 2, but I refuse to believe that they graduated from high school.

Part of me wishes Jean-Ralphio had said, "Calc-u-later!" on his way out, and the entire office started laughing…..but the actual ending was better.

Don't forget that, in the IASIP universe, Dee actually looks like an emu.

He better not show up to the reunion wearing that awful shirt.

I must not be "hip" to the music scene, because I thought that the Leon King With Glasses was one of the McPoyles (Liam, specifically).

It doesn't really matter what The Waitress' name is; even if it is Nikki Potnick, the gang will just forget it by the next episode.