The Real Fake Jake

It wouldn't surprise me if next week's episode made a point to reveal that that ISN'T her real name….but I'm willing to assume that it is until proven otherwise.

Given his last name, I'd assume that Mac is at least part Irish (or clown).

Not crazy about the plot, but I thought there were juuuuust enough jokes in this episode to get me through the 22-odd minutes without disappointment…..I liked it when Peter broke out the Harvard sweater and pipe to talk down to the cop; I liked "Keith Urban/Brett Favre/I forget the end" joke right afterward; I liked

Is one of those the Canyonero episode? Yeah, this one reminded me of that one….I don't mind retconning Krusty's past, once again, if it means we get such sweet HBO/general showbiz satire that we got this evening.

Are you implying that Krusty leads a less-than-pious lifestyle? Why, there aren't enough shattered monocles in the world to express my shock!

Wesley Crusher haters: Remember that time Beverly slapped Wesley across the face? Because it was awesome.

Here's a way to tell Kardashians and Cardassians apart: One is a group of lizard-like people bent on galactic conquest….and the others are characters from Star Trek.

I thought last weeks episode was almost as good as this one….perhaps, with light at the end of the Simpsons tunnel, the writers have FINALLY gotten bored with universe-building and focus more on telling good stories. We have enough backstory on Ned and Krusty and Kent Brockman and Comic Book Guy.I'm not expecting

I felt this was a very fun episode (and the video game expo was a lot better than Hayden gave credit for), and it just goes to show that the AV Club will REFUSE to give a Simpsons ep a A if it didn't originally broadcast more than a decade ago.

I don't understand Emily's pessimism at all; I actually LIKED that the show started in mid-scheme, because did we REALLY need to see the gang at the hamburger place (Dennis makes it very clear that they planned this caper there, not at Paddie's) and see Dennis make another ego-boosting speech? After 7 seasons I think

But if all the jokes landed you would have given this episode a higher grade, right?  I actually thought most of the jokes were (at least) pretty good, so is the difference in our grades just a matter of taste? I'd prefer a show that shoe-horned a bunch of laughs into a weak plot rather than something like last week's

Dennis, because Raffi is very, VERY upfront with his rapiness.

I didn't believe that a nearly-forty-year-old man would still believe in Bobbum man, but I loved how Kevin started inadvertently saying equipmunk over and over again.

I couldn't last that long; I'd turn into Ejaculation Man after a couple of minutes.

I gave it a C- just because some of the cut-away gags were funny (but not nearly enough to counter-balance the depressing plot). Considering that this show intentionally made a funny episode, though,makes me think I was being far too lenient.

I usually love Kaitlin Olsen, but her voice (at least in this episode) wasn't distinctive and I didn't know it was her until I started reading this review. Of course there is only so much humor you can infuse into a one-dimensional abuse victim.

I'm sorry, but the funniest part o that episode is, "It tastes like Grandma."  And we all knew what he meant.

Hey, I still watch The Simpons regularly and went into tonight's episode with high hopes, but I as legitimately disappointed with the results, rather than another fanboy bemoaning the fact that it's not 1993 anymore. It's 2011; do we REALLY need another Avatar parody? The movie itself is fairly one-dimensional, and

Considering the Simpsons are JUST NOW getting around to an Avatar parody, they'll probably get around to a lukewarm Paranormal Activity one in a year or two, when everyone is sick of it.

Tebow throws like someone has been teabaggin' his elbow. And by "teabaggin'" I mean "repeatedly slammed into a car door."