yous all is muppets

You're totally right. I can't even masturbate for that long…

Get Dirt 1 instead
I picked this up 10 days ago or so and have been severely disappointed by it. After the lacklustre 2nd edition (which I didn't purchase), I had seen videos proclaiming a return to rallying form, something much closer to the first iteration and so on. But no, this is like the second one but with

I've been harrassing Todd via Twitter to cover this show since it came back. I love it, it's just a shame the episode that got picked was the Trick Shot Special as in both seasons, this has been the worst episode. They did do better this time, to be fair, with some more interesting shots, but, as stated,

Mine's a pint of the black stuff…
… You can't drink a pint of Bovril!?!

Why thank you, My Hair… - I enjoyed both your compliment and your name.

As a long-standing Brit (born, raised, and still living here 33 years later) and an English graduate, I can honestly say I have never heard the word 'initialism'. My best guess is that you have created some Narnia-esque world and named the residents 'British', invented a 'crazy' corruption of the English language for

No, omitting the periods could lead to confusion and panic for people fearing a pregnancy.

I don't know how Slap Bet the board game got missed out of the review - that was legen - wait for it….

Don't know if someone else has picked this up in the comments but it's Lane Pryce, not Price and thus Sterling Cooper Draper Pryce…

Let's Dance
I am uessing that Let's Dance is going to be something like this:

"Notice how Batman can be just as interesting as the villians he's put up against?"

Leaving aside all the other myriad comments above, I'm focusing on:

Staff-centric plotlines
I don't give a rats-arse in the main. The stories are, generally pretty clumsy and obvious. However… I'd love to see more of Masuka's life outside of the department. We've been given glimpses here and there - the car this season was a beautiful touch - and I feel like I want to get to know the

Guns don't kill people…

I love this show and am constantly singing its praises to friends who've not seen it over here. However, I thought this was one of the worst episodes. I found the photo-montages cringeworthy, and not in a good, The Office kind of way. The B story was funny, but not, in anyway, long enough. The A story was tired. The

Lundy vs Trinity
Ultimately, I am finding this the most interesting aspect of this season so far. Lundy seems to be the only fully fleshed character outside of Dexter - and he's only fully fleshed out because, in many ways, he has no depth…

That's interesting. Could he be Trinity's third? Didn't he say the third was always an older man?

Damn you! There I was about to make similar points… Well, about Don anyway.

Very enjoyable
Highly recommended, but as the review says, not the greatest denouement. But then I find satisfying endings the hardest things to come by in this genre, to be honest.