Sooner Buckeye

Best firstie ever. Thank you for your service.

I know the grades are "arbitrary" especially with different reviewers. But can't understand a universe that has both this week's horrid Family Guy and this week's awesome AD with the same grade. Rage!

I know the grades are "arbitrary" especially with different reviewers. But can't understand a universe that has both this week's horrid Family Guy and this week's awesome AD with the same grade. Rage!

This week's execrable FG gets a B, and this week's hilarious AD also gets a B? Enraged at this injustice. Enraged and inflamed.

This week's execrable FG gets a B, and this week's hilarious AD also gets a B? Enraged at this injustice. Enraged and inflamed.

I'm glad he fully committed to the role and the film, because it's one of the best satires about narcissism and fame in the reality TV/social media age. It wouldn't have worked if he didn't. All the other "noise" generated around the film (real? fake?) is part of the whole package…just like "buzz" is much more

Yes. In addition to the passable acting talent, Mandy Moore also sings and her records are not horrible (recent stuff—not her Britney/Christina/Jessica Simpson stuff).

She's got potential…
She was great in Saved. I think of her as a much more talented Katie Holmes. But she's been in far too many throwaway rom-coms.