Green Eggs and Sham

I love you, Web 2.0 David Caruso. Just…I love you.

Nah. Usual rate.

I've often fooled people with a fake clIMAX, but I don't recall anyone ever complaining.

You know, glancing back over this, I see now that I rely heavily on ellipsis to drive home the fact that most of my thoughts don't end, they just trail off. I need a new punctuation crutch. Or a new thinker.


Why, Roneesh, you win a…*drumroll*…Kidz Bop 4 CD!!!!! Try not to kill yourself, m'kay?

Making amends with salty pork? You, sir, are a gentleman. Apology accepted.

Roneesh wins. It's all true.

Oh, fuck me running. Kidz Bop. Eff you, McDonald's! I now have one of those cd's, and my sweet, sparkly-eyed son with here-to-fore good taste now has me questioning my choice to have kids.


I misread SYZH's comment as saying "undie crud," which has me dry heaving, even now that I realize what it does say. You can't unring that bell.

I'd like to second the excitement (really just a vague feeling of not dread) for Year One.

I'm laughing at Frito's comment on a SUNDAY. It's straight to hell for me.

Twilight could have been performed in pig latin with all the actors dressed as hotdogs, and Pattinson would still be drawing crowds. He's got the smoldering stares that make the ladies and their wallets swoon.

Indeed. I can almost hear Pattinson whispering, "What? I'm not touching you, IIIII'm noooot touuchiiiing yooouuuu," in a needling little brother sort of way.

@littlealex: *whistle solo*

Now I've got that damn Styx song in my head, and a strange urge to tie yellow ribbons on everything. There goes my day.

Helpful as always
I was trying to remember the name of this stinker last night. It was awful even to the young, cynical romantic that I was when I saw it in the theater.


Come on, lexicondevil. You know better than that.