
I don't finish a lot of games, but I finished and loved Infinite, and BAS, but the cool part for me is that I havent finished the original Bioshock yet. The environments everywhere just blew me away…. I was watching Boardwalk Empire at the same time too and I was all fuzzy and nostalgic experiencing those two

I finally (after 9 years) built a new PC a couple of weeks ago…. and playing some of the games I bought but couldnt play last year from Steam…..Far Cry 4 is one, Also have Firewatch and got a free copy of The Division with my graphics card purchase….. What games do you have lined up?

I just picked up a brady games walkthrough book on ebay for $4 for Medal of Honor: Underground for PS1 and going to try to finally finish it! Otherwise the usual Bioshock 1, Red Dead Redemption and start Uncharted 2 and 3, Arkham Asylum and City.