dorf lundgren

The five versions of The Wire's "down in the hole" weren't amazing as standalone intros, but provided a really interesting shift in tone between seasons. feel like they cut in new footage for each season too, while preserving some of the more generic shots of police and… like… THE WIRES.

sorry, but even Carol episode everybody's raving about was pure cheese. one good shock when Lizzy did in her sis, and forty minutes of Tyreese being like "sure wish somebody would fess up to killin' my girl." Look at the flowers, just look at the flowers…

I feel like this show is being pulled in two opposite directions by the screams of the shippers and the instinct to drive plot forward. last week's episode was like a transitional episode bt the katherine chapter and whatever's next, doppelgangers I guess? Travelers? but they spend so much time on Delena that I

Prayin' for a Casey Jones cameo. Him and… Ray Fillet.