Flesh Wounds in Ithaca

Yes. That was incredible.

Mendelsohn is amazing and is always able to elevate above the sub-par material he often finds himself in. ("The Place Beyond the Pines," "Killing Them Softly," I guess "The Dark Knight Rises.")

Wasn't Dee smashing the buzzer a reference to her manly hands anyway? Key even referenced that. It was pretty obvious.

Oh yeah. But it's worth watching a segment or two for the sheer insanity.

Are you done?

Was he referenced at all in Season Three? I hope that they don't Mendoza that plotline, but I can't really remember him being mentioned anywhere this time around.

That's so stupid.

Playing beer pong with pint glasses is next to impossible.

Yes. I'm not a big political guy, but the culmination of that ambitious jobs program being a dishwasher was pretty stupid.

How do you think I feel when I thought that he was the guy that ended up marrying Jackie Sharp?

I think that it also would have been more interesting to have Rachel dangling over the series as this sort of wildcard loose thread.

I took it as Doug obsessing over Rachel.

Their music video over the closing credits of that episode was pretty insufferable too.

Hello, Knope!

An all-time episode.

I really loved the Lovitz being dead mentions. I thought that it was especially ballsy of them do it after such a poignant segment too. That was great.

I was hoping there would be something like that too. I was born in 1985, so I only really know of "Shitty Eddie Murphy" and thought that "Beverly Hills Cop" and "Trading Places" were just okay. I was hoping that this night and the parties that went along with it would rejuvenate and inspire him to go back to the well

Tommy Girl

Oh, Golly!

Fatty fall, go boom!