Flesh Wounds in Ithaca

Such a terrible start. I loathe Fallon (Timberlake is okay, I guess, I don't really care).

From everything that I've read concerning his ties to SNL, he comes off as unbearably smug and pretentious. I get the feeling that not only does he always have to be the smartest person in the room, he has to let you know it too.

I felt the same way when they showed that asshole Hardwick and "The Talking Dead" set with about eight minutes left of the show.

I still hear "My Own Worst Enemy" way more often than I should.

"Walt Disney's ShipRocked"

I'm right there with you. While Durst is an obvious and knowing hack, I think that Borland is even worse. He comes off as this pretentious art-rocker, who if he really had any integrity (like he claims to), he'd leave this band and never look back.

The same can be said of pretty much anything they've released.

I bet you that underneath it all, he has a heart of gold and is overcompensating for some childhood trauma.

I'm right there with you, I was listening to it while shaving and almost sliced my throat open.

I wonder if that's on purpose, to get the witness to snap. I know that I certainly would.

/places donut on mom's tombstone

Bill Burr has a great bit about that.

This happened when I was 11-years-old and I grew up pretty close to where it occurred, it's always fascinated me, especially the du Pont family.

Yeah, "Learn to Fly" is just so dull.

This thread has left me up in arms.

I'm sure that this these are stupid questions, but here it goes anyway:

He's a nice guy, he's a nice guy!

You mean funny as "farg," right?

And who can forget "Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da, Ob-Oy-Vey"?!

Yes. The TV spots for "The Judge" are all over the place.