/purposely spills hot coffee on Mrs. Rothstein's neck
/purposely spills hot coffee on Mrs. Rothstein's neck
What do you think this is, "Mr. Nanny"?
I think that having Nick Offerman's voice dubbed over the young Commodore's voice is a waste of resources.
I Saw this thread coming from a mile away.
"Wait. I saw that movie, I thought it was bullshit."
"Hello whore."
These people are just doing this to get attention, yes?
He's the most obnoxious person on the planet.
Remember when she called Zoe "Twitter Twat" in Season One? Ugh.
I'd rather it be "(Mama) You Got to Love Your Negro Man."
UM, what's going on here?
You Sopranos! You go too far!
"Have fun exploring it!"
Yes, but are you also a man who is 40?
Of course he does.
I had to Google "Boardwalk Empire AV Club," how do you think I feel?
Go shit in your hat.