Flesh Wounds in Ithaca

I liked the first half-hour of "Tropic Thunder," but then it just seems to drag on forever. I also cannot stand Jack Black, so that may have had something to do with it as well.

Do it to it @john_wayne_newton:disqus

A Les Grossman spinoff?

The following is perhaps the perfect encapsulation of the months leading up to 9/11:

@avclub-3bb2b4067ab85fc44d550bd43bb7311a:disqus Because it isn't the 1970s anymore?

The set-up/explanation of the sex and dish washing scene during the "I Know Who Killed Me," episode was hysterical. The bazaar music played during that clip had me dying.

Does Adam Scott sing the theme song? I've always thought that it sounded like him.

HURR DURR, fatty fall go boom!

"This is The Game of Thrones!"

The Coppola Family: Pretentious family or most pretentious family?

I agree, but that one in Miami did just break the latest MLB PED scandal, which is pretty noble.

I didn't like "Darjeeling" and couldn't take "Moonrise."

When I was in 8th grade, one of my friends said that he got "stoned off wine" and we still make fun of him about it to this day.

I think that his laugh is terrible too.

I'll pass on that.

But, Hardwick always does that terribly overdone and unfunny "I'm being very serious while also being very silly at the same time" thing which I think is very "ironic" of him.

I find Hardwick and his co-hosts to be gratingly unfunny and annoying, but they really do seem to book some very solid guests, which is the only reason that I listen to "The Nerdist."

I liked "Zed and Two Naughts," but that was about it.

@facebook-531690504:disqus I know that I'm a bit late here, but you were supposed to laugh at a few things in that movie. Sorry we're just getting around to telling you now.

Maybe he should have kept a better watch on that laptop.