Flesh Wounds in Ithaca

In a revolting piece of physical comedy: Kramer dropping his chewed gum into the dough at the bagel shop always grosses me out, but his boss' resigned reaction to it is great.

My review of Sims' reviews:

But there IS a lot of flying going on.

I like Jay-Z, but no, "Empire State of Mind" is a terrible song.

Especially when that Sousaphone player's name is Tuba Gooding Jr.

I really don't think we should be talking about this.

Considering that I'm not sleeping, no it isn't.

Piss off, Schick!

This is all well and good, but is it based on the novel 'Push' by Sapphire?

I found Andrea's whole suicide debate to be extremely distasteful.

I'm right there with you. What I hate about Dale the most is his unwanted and unsolicited fatherly advice, the fact that he feels the need to involve himself with everybody's personal business and the reveal that he is now apparently some sort of psychic. It's a terribly written character performed by an awful actor

Yes. Dale is the worst.

What exactly is mutton?

I totally remember that and it's the sole reason, why I still can't get into Lil' Wayne. For me, there's no separating the two.

Wow. What a hole.

Brett Ratner?

Was he crying?

Except that "Almost Famous" is terrible and "Vanilla Sky" is great.

Cool Story Bro:

I'm a casual Batman fan meaning I've never read the comics, but that I'm familiar with the main, more popular villains, which was why I didn't really like "Batman Begins." I like origin stories, but I didn't care for the prolonged training sequences and I wanted them to get back to Gotham as soon as possible. But back