Flesh Wounds in Ithaca

If 'Becker' was good for anything, it was when that limo driver from 'Curb' got drunk at Ted Danson's birthday party and yelled: "Happy Birthday Becker!"

That whole cold open was ridiculous.

Seriously, Dale is the worst and Shane's accent has gotten progressively more ridiculous with each passing week.

I agree with the “where the eff did all of them come from?”
sentiment. These zombies aren’t cat-like and haven’t been shown to be skilled
at quietly sneaking around, but every time this show wants to jolt the audience
with a cheap scare, they have the zombies silently appear followed by a major
fight scene whose power is

The cancer bit? It was edgy, it was not my sort of thing but some of those people out there, they really liked it.

I'd welcome that sentiment with my arms wide open.


Leo's disgusting, he's bald, he's paunchy, all kinds of sounds are emanating from his body twenty-four hours a day.

You know his botany teacher from college stays in close
touch with him? They became friends! That's pretty rare! I mean, actual
friends! Like equals!

Bania's the voice of a new generation, my generation.

"And you're right that he wasn't going to seduce anyone with those photos (except that guy in the episode, I suppose). "
Gay panic?

- When George grabs the pen from the eye-doctor
"Alright, I've got a test to fail."

Ryan Dunn lives?

I kinda feel that everything Paulie does is priceless.

If anything, I think cancelling The Office right now would elicit cheers, as opposed to a collective "Burn in hell."

Ugh, Colin Hanks is so awful. All he does is arch his eyebrow. That's it. Terrible actor who only has a job because of his last name.

"but with less raping" 
Tell that to Shane.

This. A billion times this. We're five, going on six, episodes into this season and that plot point still hasn't been resolved. I know that I bitch about this every week, but, come on, these idiotic writers are obviously more interested in the tedious melodrama of their uninteresting and unsympathetic characters than

El Chupacaaaaaaaaaabraaaaaaaa!!!! Si baby!

I'm also not sure if this was mentioned already, but I really enjoyed the cold-opening, my favorite part of a so-so episode of a mediocre series.