Flesh Wounds in Ithaca

"Is that your orthopedic back pillow?"

"Well you know, I'm just trying to get ahead."

I always thought that Jerry was purposely acting like an "artiste" knowing that if he acted that way Brody wouldn't want to deal with his shit and would just forget about it.

Me too, too funny.

I'd like to have shoehorn hands

I never saw John Wayne on the sands of Iwo Jima

If anybody's gotten too big for their britches, I'd say it's Sheriff Buford Pusser, with his book reviews and movie deals.

Stray observations should have a "Crappy Voice-Over Line of the Week" segment.
This week's belonging to what you suggested while last week's being the cringe inducing (and obvious): "Worst. Docent. Ever."

Yeah, true and the writers aren't doing anyone any favors either.

Aside from Glenn and Darryl, I wish that everybody was played by a better actor.

Especially when there's a two and a half month hiatus.

And neither was that zombie

From what I've read below, that seems to be the case, it's just that I wish that they'd get to them already.

@avclub-fcd4c889d516a54d5371f00e3fdd70dc:disqus  If Merle was able to cram himself in that closet, you've really got to hand it to him.

"Shane, you are NOT THE FATHER!"
Shane: "Whooo!" /shoots Rick in the knee

As everyone here has already mentioned, that well scene was just beyond idiotic and of course Glenn was going to fall into it, a deaf, dumb and blind kid could have called that, no surprise there. Also, I don't know anything about well-water, but since that zombie was stuck in that one well, does that mean that the

@avclub-bf685d0c6e419fab93fb447f71610d36:disqus  As the series progresses, George goes from Woody Allen-like to Ralph Kramden.

And laughter is the best medicine!

Eddie Griffin would like to have a word with you.

As cold and as militant and as serious as Robert California
has been written why was he perfectly accepting and even inviting to Jim when
he clearly cut out of work to play squash? Especially given the ultimatum that
he gave to Andy in the beginning of the episode about the office needing to
commit less mistakes? So